Covering AI, 5G, satellite, smartphones and more, ‘MWC 2025 Media Insights’ explores the topics that cut through, and what that…
Read InsightsOur award-winning culture is full of reward, adventure, challenge, learning, and support. Our team work with some of the world’s most exciting organisations within a progressive and inclusive workplace.
Our values are EPIC - empowered, purposeful, impactful, and compassionate - and we have fun along the way too.
Meet our teamWe care deeply about our people. The ideas, opinions and passions of our team matter and we're accommodating of individual choices, skills and ambitions.
“Our ability to succeed is fuelled by our commitment to our people, not the other way around.”
Emma Ross
Co-Founder and Chief People Officer
A package that recognises the individual motivations of our team. As well as competitive salaries, performance bonuses and pension contributions, we provide wellbeing initiatives & team socials, health insurance (including access to mental health support), a life asssarance package, sabbatical opportunities, a tech allowance to spend as you wish, time off for charity work, and more.
Missive has had a hybrid-working policy since the day it was founded in order to support the health, wellbeing and personal commitments of our team. We have a beautiful office in Borough Market and our people can choose to be there or at home whenever the work allows. We call the group together for training, socials, and certain client and company meetings. We also proudly support flexible working requests to support individual needs.
Our bespoke career development programme. Everyone is encouraged to prioritise their own development via internal and external courses, all team training workshops, and investment for self-directed learning.
22% of our team are from non-white backgrounds, 11% identify as LGBTQ+, 15% have a disability or health condition. These are some examples of the metrics we monitor. Beyond the numbers, we have an ESG Committee focused on ambitious goals for our people and planet.
We empower our people to help shape change at all levels of our business. One such way is through Missive Sandbox, our innvoation lab, where people are encouraged to bring us an idea that Missive can invest in. This was the birthplace of DE&I Consulting and more.
Our all-expenses paid team adventure to a holiday destination beginning with ‘M’.
The more diverse our team, the stronger we are.
We work hard to consciously deepen our diversity as a team, and be truly inclusive, flexible and accommodating of individual situations, skills and ambitions. We make the effort to continuously learn and grow purposefully, as individuals and as a business.
Read about our commitmentIn 2020, we built a PRCA-accredited work experience programme for people from diverse backgrounds. Missive Academy Rising Stars or ‘MARS’, invites aspiring PR profressionals to learn more about a career in our industry.
Participants enjoy four weeks of virtual training and coaching from Missive and our network, and graduate with PRCA-sponsored accreditation.
Apply hereWe are always looking for communications experts with a passion for tech - be it PR, digital, copywriting, or content marketing. If you think we could be a good match, send us your CV with a note about what you’re looking for and why we’ve piqued your interest.
ApplyWe're always looking for Consultants (Account Exec equivalent) to join our team. We are excited to offer the chance to work in a progressive, fun culture with supercharged career development and inspiring clients.