PayU global comms refresh

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The Brief

We were asked to position PayU’s investment and acquisition activity at the heart of its brand. We therefore set about raising PayU’s reputation from payments entity to a global fintech leader.

The Activity

In conjunction with a sustained programme of thought leadership, corporate profiling, events and digital activity, we devised and built a cornerstone campaign.  

The Financial Prosperity Barometer is a report into global perceptions of prosperity and financial services. Missive commissioned the research, wrote the report and executed its launch. This included a global media and digital launch, multimedia and website assets for sales, and the management of regional comms across four continents.  

The Impact

We reached a targeted audience of fintech CEOs and leaders with our message, generating 1,500 landing page visits and over 600,000 views of the report and its videos on social media.

  • 1,500 visits to bespoke report landing page 
  • 638,600 impressions served on LinkedIn
  • 125 pieces of media coverage around the world 

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