Meet Gemma Dunn, Account Director

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Gemma, why did you decide to start working in PR? 

After a brief stint in journalism, I realised that it was a bit too lonesome for my liking and I’d get to interact more with people if I worked in PR so I made the move across. I’ve always loved consuming media and interacting with people (hence the languages!) so thought PR would suit me well.

What’s been the toughest lesson you’ve learnt about working with the press? 

The toughest lesson I learnt was that if you get the timing wrong for a pitch or sell in, you’ve had it. You need to know when each desk has its news meeting each week and pitch ahead of this meeting so that you’re in with a shot.

You’re Missive’s first multilingual team member. Where has your aptitude for languages come in most useful to date? 

Working in France, Chile and with Spanish speaking clients in the UK.

What’s been the most exciting PR campaign you’ve worked on and why?

Before getting into financial services and technology PR I worked in travel PR and did a wonderful campaign for an eco-dome hotel in Patagonia. It was all about getting people to switch off and enjoy nature and it worked! Or at least it did for me anyway when I got to stay there…

How did you hear about Missive and why did you want to join? 

I was looking for an agency that worked with interesting clients and cared about making a positive difference in the world, and a recruiter he said he knew just the agency…

Tell us one thing about you that surprises people? 

I can do a front flip. Feel free to test me in the office 

What are your ambitions for the future? 

Deliver excellent communications campaigns that make a difference to end consumers’ lives.

Finally, where can we find you on the weekend?

In a coffee shop in Stoke Newington or on Brighton beach.

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