Meet Hattie, Senior PR Consultant

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Name: Hattie Carne        LinkedIn:  Hattie Carne           Twitter@Hatty16

Tenure: I joined Missive in September 2017.

What was life like before Missive?

Boring! (Just joking).

For four years, pre-Missive I had a digital marketing and internal communications role in a large corporation. I project managed large campaigns; developed thought leadership, insight pieces and internal newsletters. I also had responsibility for developing and managing global internal communications strategies.

My digital marketing responsibilities included effective search engine optimisation, data analysis and content management. I was delivering on a strategy and plan to transform the way we went to market. I’ve been living in London (always South of the river, dare I say it!) for the last four years and absolutely love it. Before that, I was at Leeds University studying English literature.

Why did you decide to move into PR?

I find the way companies express themselves fascinating, namely that so many brilliant companies fail at articulating what they do. Today’s competitive landscape is limitless and fast-moving; a company’s brand and narrative has never been so important. With the rise in startups, no company – large or small – can afford to stand still. How you position yourself, the story you tell, can be make or break. To me, that’s exactly what PR is: being able to narrate a compelling story to protect and enhance a brand. And in my mind, that role is not only an exciting one but instrumental to any company’s success.

How does working within a small company compare to working in a large corporate?

It’s a very different but great experience. It sounds obvious but large companies are so vast, every day I was surprised to learn that we had x team or that x was going on. The sheer quantity of people and size means that you can never know everything. In a small company, you are exposed to everything and particularly the mechanisms and intricacies of how a company operates. You feel part of core decision processes and that’s really empowering.

What have you learned so far?

Where to start? I feel like I’ve already learnt so much. Most importantly, I’ve learnt that the best way to get to grips with something is by trying. I’m very lucky to be surrounded by a team who want nothing more than to help me learn, are great at exposing me to everything and encouraging me to get out there. So, the main thing I’ve learnt is to just throw myself at things. Oh, and also to be patient!

Which tech trend are you most excited about for 2018?

Somewhat cliché to say these days, but definitely artificial intelligence. I strongly believe it’s only in its infant stages and I think only a handful of people are genuinely aware or can comprehend what it’s truly capable of. It’s going to impact every industry and it’s going to dramatically change the way we operate both in our professional and personal lives. Amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping the world flourish like never before.

What tip would you give to someone else about to start their career in PR?

Read EVERYTHING and be prepared to try everything, as soon as possible; pitches, speaking to journalists, developing content. It’s very much a ‘learn on the job’ experience and that’s what makes it so rewarding. Find out who your clients are beforehand (if possible) and do as much research around them as possible: immerse yourself in what they do before day 1. I would also suggest a simple google search of ‘the best and worst thing about PR’. Negative or positive, it’s helpful to know. It’s your ammunition to know what people think or expect from you. How else are you going to prove them wrong (or right!).

What do you enjoy most about working at Missive?

I love the culture at Missive. It’s amazing to be part of a team where everyone is truly invested in the success of the business and where there is complete and utter transparency.  Most importantly, everyone genuinely cares about the happiness and development of each team member. There is such a strong sense of community and togetherness; everyone shares in individual successes. There’s an incredible support system, and a really strong sense of values.

If you could take three things with you to a desert island, what would they be?

My phone. A toffee crisp. A bottle of gin.

When not in the office, can be found?

With my friends having a glass of wine in a pub or cooking.

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