Meet Nicola, Missive Co-Founder and Managing Partner

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Name: Nicola Koronka    Tenure: At Missive before Missive was Missive

Why did you decide to start Missive?

Emma and I saw an opportunity to be a part of the evolution of our industry. There is so much scrutiny on Communications to be meaningful and measurable. We felt like we had the experience, skills and appetite to make it happen. On a personal level I also had a somewhat utopian belief that starting a business would give me the best opportunity to achieve professional fulfilment and be a good parent. On most days it is true.

Which of Missive’s achievements from the past 12 months are you most proud of?

I love the fact that Missive has attracted the industry’s top talent. It means that we are a consultancy that has a strong philosophy, with an interesting client portfolio that does top quality work.

What are you most excited about for 2018?

We’re launching several new services in 2018 that will definitely help us to continue to compete. It’s also exciting because we’re challenging the team to learn and transfer new skills.

When you look back on the past three years since starting Missive, what’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt along the way?

I love process and order but I thought a startup would thrive with less organisation. Wrong. We’ve been able to achieve fantastic growth by sweating the small things. We combine the rigour of a bigger business with the dynamism of a startup.

What are the top traits you look for in a recruitment candidate?

For me, the best PR professionals are those who are deeply interested in how things work and why things are. An enquiring mind delivers fantastic storytelling skills, innovative thinking and someone who is passionate about understanding a client’s business – all are essential to PR & Comms.

What technology can’t you live without?

Very boring but most definitely my iPhone. After that, Spotify.

What are your top three tech predictions for 2018?

  • Data Regulation will finally drive a change in tech companies’ behaviour when it comes to consumer privacy
  • Open Banking in the UK will pave the way for consumer fintech services to move from early adopters to the mainstream
  • We will hopefully see more innovative responses from mainstream media companies to combat the relentless demise of their traditional business models

When not in the office, can be found…

Playing Lego, chaperoning Junior Park Run, reading historical fiction

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