Proving the value of communications: Insights from industry leaders

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For any practitioner, proving the tangible value of PR and comms remains one of the industry’s biggest challenges.

To tackle such a pressing problem, Missive recently hosted a roundtable, bringing together 12 in-house comms leaders from a range of businesses to discuss strategies for measuring and showcasing the impact of communications efforts.

High above London’s skyline at Duck & Waffle, we shared experiences, challenges, and innovative approaches to proving comms value. The discussion was lively and insightful, touching on various aspects of measurement and reporting.

Here are five key takeaways – and practical tips - from the conversation:

#1: Balance data with relationships

While data is crucial in demonstrating value, the importance of building trust and relationships internally cannot be overstated. As one attendee aptly put it, "You need both hard and soft skills. Data is important, but building trust and relationships internally are just as important."

This balanced approach recognises that numbers alone don't tell the full story. The ability to interpret data and communicate its significance to stakeholders is equally vital.

Tip: Dedicate time to hosting regular sessions with key stakeholders. Use these as opportunities to understand their pain points, priorities and preferred communication styles. By aligning measurement approaches to their needs, comms teams will be better positioned to showcase the value you’re bringing.

#2: Streamline reporting for greater impact

Many PR professionals find themselves inundated with metrics, potentially diluting the impact of their reporting. The consensus among our industry leaders was clear: focus on a select few key metrics that truly matter to your organisation. Just like anyone, executives will glaze over at the thought of a 50-page report.

One participant shared their experience: "We moved from monthly to quarterly reporting, and it's made our stakeholders more engaged." This shift allowed for a more strategic overview and reduced information overload.

Tip: Identify the top 3-5 metrics that genuinely reflect communications impact. Create a concise, visually appealing dashboard that clearly communicates these key performance indicators. This approach ensures that even time-pressed executives can quickly grasp the value of efforts.

#3: Adapt metrics to suit your specific needs

The discussion revealed a willingness among comms leaders to challenge conventional metrics. One attendee described how their team transitioned from using Share of Voice to Power of Voice, finding it more relevant to their objectives.

This adaptability is crucial in an ever-evolving communications landscape. It's about finding what works best for an organisation, rather than adhering to the ‘industry norm’ that may not align with specific goals.

Tip: Regularly review metrics to ensure they're providing valuable insights. Don't hesitate to develop custom metrics that better align with organisational objectives. Consider reviewing metrics within the team every six months to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach.

#4: Don’t underestimate internal communications

The discussion drove home the value of internal communications in demonstrating overall comms impact. Several attendees highlighted the importance of measuring how communications land internally, using tools such as regular surveys and experimenting with different content formats.

One approach shared was the replacement of a traditional company newsletter with short-form video content, which saw increased engagement among younger employees.

Tip: Implement a regular "Comms Pulse" survey to gauge the effectiveness of communications (both internal and external). Keep it concise and consider offering incentives for participation. Use the results to show how efforts are influencing employee engagement and understanding of company initiatives. 

#5: Leverage AI as a complement to human expertise

Naturally, artificial intelligence (AI) emerged as a hot topic during the session. While AI can be a powerful tool, especially for resource-constrained teams, the consensus was that it should complement rather than replace human expertise.

One participant shared how the use of AI has helped to free up a significant amount of time for strategic thinking and relationship building, which has later helped them demonstrate the value and impact of PR and comms internally. The key, they said, is to avoid the 'tool-first' trap and instead focus on how AI can support your overarching communications objectives.

Tip: Explore AI tools for routine tasks such as initial draft writing or data analysis. However, always apply human judgment for strategy, nuance, and final content approval. Use the time saved by AI to focus on high-value activities that require a personal touch.

Proving the value of communications requires a strategic approach, adaptability, and a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom. Through implementing these insights and refining measurement strategies, communicators can effectively demonstrate the crucial role that they play in helping businesses to meet their objectives.

We specialise in developing tailored communication strategies and measurement frameworks that align with your unique business goals. If you're looking to elevate your communications strategy and showcase its true value, we're here to help. Get in touch to explore how we can support your efforts in proving and enhancing the impact of your communications initiatives. 

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