Rewriting the compliance narrative for Thistle Initiatives to increase brand awareness

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The Brief 

Thistle Initiatives came to Missive with a clear ask: to help the business reposition itself as more than a compliance consultancy – as a management consultancy that specialised in compliance, offering a team of experts that knew the fintech sector inside out.  

The Activity 

We recommended a strategy centred around humanising the brand. We knew that by sharing the partners’ stories, passion for ethics, and dedication to helping businesses thrive within regulatory frameworks, we could transform compliance from an abstract concept to a tangible, commercial value driver. 

To this end, Missive hosted discovery sessions with individual Thistle Initiatives partners and developed individual narratives for each that laddered back to Thistle Initiative’s corporate messaging.

We then embarked on an integrated programme of press office and digital activity focused on executive profiling, with three goals:

  • Creating and distribute content that educates Thistle Initiatives’ target audience on the intricacies of compliance in an accessible way
  • Developing a press office function that can react to breaking news in a moment’s notice and shows how many scandals could have been avoided through specialist compliance consultancy.
  • Challenging the narrative that compliance is the ‘Business Prevention Unit’ by showcasing both the commercial benefits of a strong culture of compliance and how investors and acquirers alike are increasingly interrogating how businesses approach this critical function. 

The Impact 

  • Secured over 50 pieces of coverage in 9 months, ranging from commentary in the Independent and interviews with the Daily Express to tier one trade media such as Fintech Insider, Compliance Week and Professional Advisor.
  • Built Partners' digital footprints, with one month seeing 52 comments on Missive-drafted LinkedIn content.
  • Secured Thistle Intiatives' shortlisting for Best Regulation and Compliance Service for Advisers at the Financial Times Adviser Service Awards 2024.


“Missive drove an impressive, always-on press office engine that secured several pieces of national coverage, which had a hugely positive impact on our brand awareness. The team’s approach was genuinely integrated, always ensuring that we were maximising media assets across digital channels. Working with them is a pleasure, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.”

Yuliya Muir, Head of Marketing at Thistle Initiatives

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