Sage and saboteurs: Our session with Liz Ward

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Disappointed with not always achieving perfection? Burned out from a constant sense of anxiety? Avoiding conflict which then festers? It might be time for a mental fitness workshop. 

We all live with saboteurs, which react to life’s daily challenges in ways that can generate and perpetuate negative emotions such as disappointment, worry or guilt. 

In a world as fast moving as ours, it’s easy to let these negative emotions hijack your brain, disrupting your ability to work to the level you may like.

As part of Missive’s ongoing commitment to training and development, the team recently spent the afternoon in a mental fitness workshop with Slick Pivot co-founder and professional coach Liz Ward. The three hour session helped the team to recognise and understand our saboteurs, weaken the self-sabotaging habits that creep into our workday and ultimately increase productivity and positivity.


The Missive team getting to grips with PQ reps

Whilst we thoroughly encourage you and your team to take the course, we wanted to share three of our biggest takeaways from the day:

ONE. Scheduling in regular ten second PQ Reps for two minutes at a time will help to open up the ‘sage’ part of the brain, which in turn will breed a much more positive mindset. Take the time to practice breathing deeply, or tuning into nothing else but sounds near and far.

TWO. Embrace and recognise your saboteurs in order to intercept, react and ultimately weaken their power over your working day. Giving them labels and names to help ease acknowledgement.

THREE. Practise makes perfect – like everything, improving your mental fitness takes time, patience and practice. You can only strengthen positive mental muscles with ongoing commitment and investment.

You can find out more about Liz and all of the courses Slick Pivot offers here.

Missive is committed to supercharging career development for all of its employees. Each member of staff has access to company-wide Missive Academy Hub, regular face-to-face training courses, personal sessions with in house experts and an Executive Coach for personal and career coaching. 

We are hiring! Missive is looking for a dynamic Account Manager to join the team. Find our more and apply here.

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